It's A Rug... Now What?

 We've all been there, after a few weeks of community despair and asking where the devs have gone Discord comes to a sad realisation, we've been the victim of a good old fashioned rug.

So now what?

A server that I'm in at the moment has just gone through this exact scenario, there are an inevitable few days maybe even a week of arguing as people count their loses and try to cope with what's just happened, some people get aggressive and the virtual finger of accusation points at everyone and anyone.

A wise man once said "It ain't about how hard you hit, it's about how hard you get hit and keep moving forward".

In my recent case it was kind of a semi-rug, the developer said they would come back to the project after they worked on a couple of others, their other projects started to look pretty good so the community after a long time of inactivity forced the hand of the developer and one member who was appointed admin eventually managed to get a response from them. They confirmed they were happy to hand over control of everything to the admin and leave this project behind.

Once the admin broke the news there was a renewed sense of optimism, people stepped forward and offered their services, some more relevant than others but still a broad spectrum of skills for a new team to assemble and drive the project to the promised land! For me this was a real show of what can happen when people come together, in a world where division is forced down our throats daily, simple things like being the victim of an NFT scam can change a mindset and bring people together to achieve a goal. Most of our supposed differences are superficial but we all still want the same things and feel the same emotions.

In this case we all want a return on our money and to see a success story, a success that we have built from the dying embers of some jpegs. I'm not aware of any projects that have turned it around and become a profitable project after suffering from a rugpull but i'm sure they exist. It all comes down to your actions, I've seen enough rugpulls and the impact it has on the people involved but in most cases people sell, the floor drops to the depths of hell and everyone loses. 

So next time you fall victim to some wonderfully crafted rugpull do not despair, pull the community together and relentlessly try to contact the devs so they can hand over the project to you, it might seem impossible but I've seen it happen twice out of the five I've witnessed. If the devs still don't contact you or they disappear completely then I guess you could always go through the contract addresses and track down the wallets of the people involved and start a manhunt, that can be quite fun! Remember, even a murderer leaves evidence so I'm sure these elusive developers haven't covered their tracks completely.

You may be wondering why I haven't mentioned the name of the project, the reasons is that on the off chance anyone reads this and decides they want to buy a piece I don't want the developer to pocket any royalties for a project they have left. Once the community gains control I'll write a follow up on how we're doing ✌️
