
"This project is a love letter to the art and critique on the company spending Millions of Dollars to extend copyright terms while licensing public domain goods, exploiting our cultural heritage."

I must read about a hundred projects a day trying to find some value in the NFT world, browsing the barrage of Twitter shillers and OpenSea accounts that offer no information other than art itself.

The unique thing about these is that they age the longer you hold them, every 3 months your Flowty changes to the next stage. The concept is a throwback to an age where media was analogue and would age as time passed, however if you transfer to another wallet the timer resets and your Flowty returns back to it's original form.

The day of the Flowtys mint was the same day I was scammed (Read about that here), as with most of the mints I take part in I had a limit of 1, although as time goes by I feel like this is a bad tactic especially if the price shoots up it would be good to have one to sell and one to keep.

There was a lot of buzz around this and I only found Flowtys on the day, the mint was 0.08 ETH and there were 10,000 available so it was your standard NFT drop in that respect. The thing I liked most was the retro art and the prospect of upcoming drops and utilities. With my new minting tactics I sat back and watched the numbers climb. Gas was high obviously, I think that is the standard now, the total minted was approaching 8000 and I decided that if I wanted one I was going to have to act now, gas fees weren't going to get lower so I clicked mint and watched etherscan waiting for the relief that comes with seeing "Success" on the transaction. I secured #8222 for around 0.109 ETH which is more than I wanted to spend but this is one of those rare projects where I don't care too much about recovering my investment, I'll probably hold on to this for at least a year and make use of the updates that are promised as well as seeing the main feature of ageing.

My Flowty

I'm not sure if I just have bad luck in random reveal projects, I always seem to get the common ones, Flowtys was no different. I waited for the reveal hoping to see one of the fantastic looking rare and special looking ones, I didn't get any but I wasn't disappointed with my blob called Polona. One of these days I'm going to mint something and get a rare one that's attracting double digit ETH offers!

The ageing process can be seen in the example below - 

The way the ageing process works depends on how long it is in the wallet for, if you transfer to another wallet the timer resets and your NFT returns back to the "at purchase" stage also known as "Fresh". An interesting thing I read about the process is that if you move to the second stage for example and you transfer to another wallet, although your image and timer will reset, the "Age" property does not, so it will continue to display whatever stage you have reached before transfer.

Ageing isn't the only thing Flowtys offers, there is a studio where you can play around with your Flowtys and create new images, banners, and gifs. That's still not all! There is also a cinema which has literally  just been confirmed as opening this Saturday 16th at 6pm UTC. I am really looking forward to this, it's called Flowtys Golden Cinema and is set to show public domain cartoons and films, your ticket is your Flowty so entry is as simple as connecting your wallet. They have also announced that all holders have been airdropped a Golden Ticket which will also allow you to access the cinema, they say you can keep or send this to friends and family so they can enjoy the free films too! That is a great move, creating a new token allows you to give share the experience with other people while keeping your Flowty in your wallet so the ageing process isn't effected.

From what I have seen so far a big part of this project is aimed at highlighting the bad practices of Disney, I really didn't understand how bad it was until Flowtys, I started researching because of them and it's quite shocking what Disney have done and continue to do by using and effectively copyrighting public domain characters which in some cases has destroyed classical cultural tales. A good starting point is this video which features on the Flowtys homepage.

The floor price has dropped quite a bit, I did see it around 0.15 ETH at one point but it's currently dropped down to 0.04 which I'm not concerned about, the whole NFT space is currently experiencing a dip. I also don't think this is a project for flippers as the value is in the long term hold, so if you want an NFT that has a story, as well as utility and future access to a cinema then this could be the one for you. It's worth checking out the website to understand the story at the very least.

Flowtys Socials:

Website - https://www.flowtys.com/

OpenSea - https://opensea.io/collection/flowtys

Discord - https://discord.gg/HuRchqkTSa

Twitter - @flowtysNFT
