ZED Run - My First Encounter

 This was the first NFT project that I attempted to get involved in, during my research time a friend had told me about ZED, how it was really popular and they had the Tera drop coming up for "Genesis" horses. 

I had a quick look over it and decided I was going to buy one, easy I thought! There was probably about an hour to go before the drop and in typical unprepared fashion I didn't take my instructions from the website itself but rather my friend who told me I had to have wETH in my wallet or I wouldn't be able to buy horses. So I head over to Uniswap and wrap some ETH, now i'm sitting there with maybe 30 minutes to go wondering why my wETH isn't appearing in my wallet. It was a mystery.

The clock was slowly counting down to drop time and I'm desperately trying to find out why my wallet appears empty even though I can see it there on MetaMask, I finally found the answer... so APPARENTLY unless you wrap the ETH on the ZED Run website it will not show up, so with about 15 minutes to go I'm frantically going back top Uniswap, unwrapping, going to ZED and wrapping again! No exaggeration I had the problem fixed with about 90 seconds to go before the start of the drop.

I didn't know what to expect from the drop but the term "Blood Bath" was mentioned quite a lot by my friend, now obviously I wasn't expecting blood but I don't think I was quite prepared for what an extremely popular drop looks like, it was madness.

I managed to get on the site and see some horses but they were gone before my brain had even registered what was going on, everything I clicked was gone. We've all been there, clicking everything you see just trying to get ANYTHING over the line. Nothing. I left disappointed and thought I would never hear about them again, that was until I was alerted to the Echo drop.

After the "Blood Bath" of the Tera drop the team behind ZED decided to make it more manageable and give everyone 15 minute slots to purchase their horses, this sounded great and I was pretty confident I was going to get a horse this time round. So I had my wallet ready, site open, counting down the minutes wondering how good my horse is going to be, the seconds count down and it's my turn to buy!

I refresh the page and click connect, I'm greeted with a screen asking me to check my email to log in, there was no email, I try again, a loading screen and nothing else, I'm desperately checking my emails then checking the site, nothing again, texting my friend telling him to be prepared for this nonsense as his time slot was after mine. Eventually I get on the page and this is what it looks like:

I had no chance, the whole thing was a mess, I clicked on a horse and got taken back to the email screen. ZED put out an update saying there is a problem and everyone now has a new time that is 15 minutes after your original time, the same problem was still happening. I kind of gave up on ZED after this as, at least in my opinion, drops are a good way to see how prepared and professional a team behind a project is, every experience with them had been awful.

A few months later though I ended up buying 3 horses one night, 2 females and 1 male as I intend to breed them, sell the kids then slowly buy better horses until I have a good stable but I'll write about that another time. This was my first experience in trying to take part in a drop and it was terrible, yet I still bought into the project, potential profit can override my judgement sometimes, we will see if it pays off!

I can only imagine what these drops would have been like on Ethereum 🤦‍♂️
