Blockchain's Most Wanted

This is my own project so I might be a bit bias! 

I've been scammed and rug-pulled a couple of times since I started trading crypto/NFTs in 2016 and the realisation that this is the blockchain and there's no one you can contact for a refund or to investigate really hits you for a few minutes after you've been scammed.

Now in 2021, I heard about a guy called Nate Chastain who was an OpenSea employee, he had been buying up art he was about to feature on the front page of OpenSea, obviously a feature was going to pump the price so he was effectively lining his own pockets by abusing his position.
It was big news in the NFT community, it even made BBC news!

It was at this point that it hit me, although the NFT community has been a great place, welcoming, informative, innovative, inspiring, there were always going to be bad people, I just hadn't really been paying attention. The more I looked the more I saw things that were undesirable, it's the same with any industry, so I decided to create Blockchain's Most Wanted, it is intended to be a fun way to draw attention to things or people that are having a negative impact on the future of blockchain technology, mainly crypto and NFTs.

Naturally the first person to feature was our friend Nate Chastain, I drew up a quick design, as you can tell i'm not the most gifted at digital art! I put it out there and just wanted to draw attention to it rather than profit straight away, I gave away lots of copies to spread the word and draw attention to not only the highly publicised Nate saga but also the future wanted posters. Here is my first design:

Eagle eyed viewers will notice the design is slightly different from the others, that's because I'm an idiot and deleted the template. 

The first drop contained popular figures Vitalik Buterin and Peter Schiff, for all the good Vitalik has done so far, the recent gas prices have been a scandal and a lot of people are losing their money on gas fees, something which has driven people to look at Ethereum alternatives, which can only be a good thing.
Peter Schiff needs no introduction, you would think crypto had slept with his wife he hates it that much.

Originally I was going to stagger the drops once one sells out but based on currently sales rates that could take a while, so I decided to drop them as and when I think of them, here is the rest of the collection below with links if you click on them:

My favourite so far is the SEC poster, what they are doing right now is going to have a huge effect on the whole industry and it annoys me that something comes along which allows people to bypass banks and credit systems and the "big players" do not like that, they want you living in debt and keeping your money in their banks. Potentially blockchain technology can mean financial freedom for every person in the world, a beautiful thought and something I really hope happens but it is not going to happen easily.

I decided to drop this collection on Polygon to avoid insane gas prices and make it accessible to as many people as possible. Prices usually start at 0.0001 ETH. 

Ultimately I would like as many owners as possible, I made the designs in poster form so they can feature in virtual galleries with minimal editing. As yet I haven't seen any used in this way but that would be a big thing for me, it's how I intended them to be viewed. 

That was my brief overview and introduction to Blockchain's Most Wanted, a project I want to develop and the final drop of the whole collection will be a 1/1 special edition, I already know what it's going to be but that will only be released once the previous copies have sold out. Owning a poster in this collection will enter you into competitions and giveaways that we have, the more we grow the better the prizes will be!

Thanks for reading, this is just the start of the project so grab your poster now and join in the fun.
Get your poster HERE
